Thursday, November 26, 2009


so so so sorry, thousand apologies.... to Dato Seri Alex Chew
i am totally forget about this project. the ALS for TUOG....
Sorry for the delay in submitting of Summary of TUOG.

I am not able to practice the module with Binn, Melinda and Pris for Rama children... but i am continuing to do session with the 3 little children from Rama. consistently, there is 6 session had made. not all according to what been planned.

with the TUOG, i am able to relearn again and considering the viability for using groups to achieve specific therapeutic intentions· Pre-screening is very important. as the pre-screening will able to recognize who is the main client that i am going to work. the specialization of the issues, the variability such as group size, gender, how many session, age , education level...etc
there is a lot of things have to take in to count.

With the working with my ALS members
i am glad that we can worked out the planning, prepared and evaluate the group sessions. i am sorry for not able to contribute mine, but i am proud of what had been achieve by my ALS members. overall, the setting of group aim, and running the group out is much more challenge than paper work. they manage to do it.

I think, i will still need more reflecting and evaluating on my own practice as therapeutic group work facilitators· i am planning to write a small proposal for my management to propose that i am going to run a group work in relevant institution home at Kepala Batas. hopefully i am able to utilise "creative" groupwork methods for effective group facilitation, especially children with special care.

i learn that being patient is important. as there will be some client who is selective mute, agrreive, or un-coooperative. how to make the group growth and work through the barrier is the main objective. using round to build up the trust and improve the energy level of group is essential.

finally, i would like to thanks Alex for your guide on my personal group work, especially those comment. it does help a lot.
i would like to convey my appreciation and acknoledgement for my ALS mambers
Phaik Nee, Cheng, melinda, Seok Binn, and Pris
you girls, are so great!!!

i am feeling great, cos i am working with your, these "great" people!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Creative Art Play on World Mental Health Day

This is a wonderful day.
for me, i really felt satisfy, happy and too great....
by transforming the room to become a magic space
and using creative art and play therapy concept t play with children, adolescent and the parents
this is really wonderful
i am having so much fun too

Thankyou Menlinda and Pricila for the wonderful teamwork.
for Melinda, she is doing therapeutic story telling, and myself incharge for small world play.
children was so happy and love to play together... untill they forgotten themselves. hahaha

ya, the picture here showing that we are under the magic tree...
this is a magic tree with super natural strength

the children actually expressed themselves and be fun in the session. it's good enough they can open themselves to be enjoy
i am happy that 1 of my client had came and joint.
he is normal child, but with behavior problem... ....

i really miss the moment.... ....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

2nd session: Closure

as Pris and Melinda mentioned about previosly, going to let the group do the journal and reflection.
so the closure of the activities part is Draw It:

the participants need to draw the feelings' like as be blind person and people who give instruction.

proposed activities: 2nd session

Main development:
Name of activitiy: BLIND WALK

- experience what it would be like to be without the sense of sight.
- be good partners and will safely guide each other on blind walks.
- identify three things on their blind walk by using their other senses besides sight.
- discuss what they learned from their blind walk with the whole class.
- think about what kinds of questions they would like to ask our blind visitor, who will be coming to talk to the students the following day.

eight blind folds
chart paper and marker

Introduction /Anticipatory Set

Have students come meet on the carpet and assign everyone a partner.

Tell the students that they have learned a lot about why their senses are important to them, now you want them to experience what it might be like to be without one of their senses. Explain that everyone is going to have a chance to see what it feels like to be blind.

Inform the students that they will be going on a blind walk. Tell them that you are going to pass out blind folds, one to each set of partners, after you are through giving the directions. Now, tell the students that one partner will be the guide while the other partner wears the blindfold. It is very important that the guides keep their partners safe. They must tell them when steps are coming and they absolutely cannot allow them to bump into anything.

Explain to the guides that their job is to lead their blind partners outside to the playground, where they will choose three things for their partners to try to identify using their other senses besides their sight. Ask the students to quickly review what these other senses will be.

Tell the students that you will blow a whistle after 10 minutes and then the partners should switch jobs so that everyone has the chance to be blind.

Explain that when the students are blindfolded, you want them to pay close attention to what is going on around them. What kinds of sounds do they hear when they are outside. What do different areas of the playground feel like under their feet.

Ask the partners to decide who will want to be blind first. Distribute the blind folds to the appropriate partner.

Sequence of Instruction
Tell the students to help each other put on their blindfolds. Then ask the guides to lead their partners carefully to the line. Before leading the students outside, explain that if they can still see under their blindfold, they should close their eyes, because you really want them to have a chance to see how it feels to be blind.

Allow the students to lead their partners around on the playground for about 10 minutes. Suggest to them that they take their partners to all different areas, on the grass, on the blacktop, and on the play equipment.

Remind the students that the guides need to find three things for their blind partner to identify.
After 10 minutes, blow the whistle and ask everyone to switch their blindfolds.
Allow the students to roam around for 10 more minutes, and then blow the whistle again, signaling all of the guides to lead their partners into line. Tell the students to leave their blindfolds on until they get back to the classroom.

Group the students at the carpet once again and collect the blindfolds. Begin a discussion about their blind walk. How did it feel to not be able to see? What kinds of sounds did they notice outside. Could they tell what part of the playground they were on by the way the ground felt under their feet? Were they able to correctly identify the objects their guides gave them? What senses did they use to identify the objects?

After exhausting all of the student comments about their blind walk, explain to them that they are going to have a visitor come and talk to them tomorrow that is actually blind and uses a seeing eye dog to help her get around. Tell the students that you are excited that they are going to learn more about what it is like to be blind by listening to her and by asking her some good questions.

Prepare the students for the visit by asking them if they can think of some questions they would like to ask the blind woman ahead of time. You can write down the questions as they think of them on a piece of chart paper.

After the students are done volunteering different questions they would like to know more about, read over the list you have made out loud to the students, and then ask them to try to read it along with you once again.

Students will gain insight on what it would be like to be without their sense of sight by keeping their blindfolds on and cooperatively going on a blind walk with a guide for 10 minutes.
Students will demonstrate that they can be good guides by safely guiding their blind partners around the playground.

Students will demonstrate that they can use their other senses other than sight by identifying three unknown objects without using their eyes, and then discussing what they discovered with the class.

Students will express what they learned on their blind walk by discussing what it felt like to not be able to see and by discussing what other senses they used.

Students will become prepared for their visitor by thinking of several questions that they think they would like to know more about in order to help them learn what it must be like to be blind, and how a blind person gets around.

A lot of prompting might be necessary when thinking of questions for the blind visitor. Prompt the students to ask questions that might help them learn how blind people get around on their own and do daily chores. Also arouse their interests to ask the visitor about her favorite hobbies so they can discover if blind people enjoy doing some of the same things they do.

This activity might be a good one to refer back to and write a short class story about.
Explain to students that many blind people donÕt need a person to guide them because they use a cane which they move back and forth in front of them. Allow the students to take turns throughout the day trying to get around the room with their eyes closed using a cane.

Did this turn out to be a safe lesson? Were the students good guides?
Was the lesson run efficiently?
How did the students respond to the lesson?
Were the students adequately prepared for the visitor?

2nd session: Warm up

opening rituals:
game 1: Cross Circle

Type : Active activity that can be done anywhere.
Works on quick responses and learning names.

Group Size : Any group size.

Equipment : None

Objective : To learn the names of those in your group.

1. The entire group is standing in a circle facing each other.

2. A selected person calls out the name of someone in the group.

3. When that person acknowledges that their name has been called out, the person who called it out starts to walk towards them.

4. The second person has to call out another person’s name and when they are acknowledged, they start walking towards that person and so on.

5. It is the responsibility of the person whose name has been called out to call out a name of someone else in the group who is not moving and get walking towards that person before the person who called out their name reaches them. Try and say all of that in one breath.

6. When the person(s) who is walking reaches the spot where the person was standing that they called out to, they just take that spot and wait for their name to be called out again.

7. The round or game ends when someone calls out someone’s name and reaches that spot before that person calls out someone else’s name and gets out of the way. COLLISION! It can also end when you are going so fast that everything is just a blur.

1. Get two different people starting out at the beginning. This way you have 2 different cycles moving within the same circle. If you have a really large group, try 3 or more.

2. No calling out at all. Just point. When eye contact is made, start walking and so on.

Start out slowly at first so that everyone gets the hang of it and then see how fast you can get things going.

as a warming up, it's a good start for the members to learn how they can work in eye contact, or silently, without language

2 activities: Hula Hoop Passing
Group Size:Any group size. Entire team.
Equipment: One hula hoop per group.
1. Each team stands in a circle holding hands in their corner of the gym.
2. One hula-hoop is placed so that 2 people are holding hands through the hoop.
3. The goal is to move the hula hoop around the entire group without breaking any grip.
4. The group has to pass the hoop over their bodies onto the next person.
1. Record the time it takes and then try to beat that time.
2. To add more challenge, have two hoops, one going clockwise and the other going counterclockwise. This gets real interesting when it gets around to the other side. Everyone tends to pass the hoop as fast as they can so they don’t have to deal with two going different directions.
· One warning….be prepared for the hula hoop to get stretched and/or broken.

30.9.2009: 2nd online Group Tutorial

in this session, Seok Binn, Phaik Nee are not available as health concern.
so, just me, Melinda and Priscila who are online with Alex for Group tutorial.
the focused is on Trust issues, and it's happend that i was given the task to work out for session 2, so, it's about build up the trust.

and, it's really funny as Alex was trying to give us example and looking in our ALS groups, and talk about the trust.

for me, I TRUST my groups members very well, we are from different background no doubt,
and i trust that they will back me up, if there is things that we should work together. for the TUOG, it's a slow motions work, compare the small world play or storry telling. but yet, i believe we will able to reach the mission impossible with outstanding work. that's why, all of us need to moved in slow and steady way

though Phaik Nee is sick, but she is really great! she work very hard, and i am so touch by her effort, as well as cheng, she make a mooncake for me, and deliver by Melinda. Priscila is sharing her work with her own group, and willing to share the report that she had done, just to improve our work, and of course, the work is strictly use as learning purpose, no others intention. this is our strength.

i trust that all of us will able to share the "gift" , the "ability" inside us to make this work done. hopefully, i didn't let u all down, and i am working too, to make the things well

so, when are we going to have online meeting again?
POWER GIRL, let's move

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Google DOC...

I am not sure what happend to my google doc here, in my home, i try to edit the google doc and office too, but i found a typical error.
nvm, there will be other's alternative to complete this task

searching online, while my client did not came for appoinment, happendly to see this Quote... i like this : "Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will. - Jawaharlal Nehru"
this is a good website, a lot of game and step how to do it. there is clear description on what to do and how to do it. it's great.

i am still working on google docs.. hopefully will fixed it...
Dear , Melinda and other's, sorry for the inconvenient cause.
and Phaik Nee, take care of yourself, no worry for the moment

have to rush.... .... client is coming...
i believe we still can cope this mission and came out with a good 1

Monday, September 28, 2009

25.9.09: ALS Member's #2 Online Discussion

Knowing that this is not an easy task to do, but i believe that with the strenght of our ALS members, i think we will break through! In the early stage of discussion, all of us try to brainstorm what kind of group can do? after online supervision with Alex, and sharing of my template work (my planning on what do i want to run), as Alex guide us on the supervision session, it's give me some new thougt.

i think i am a easy going person, and not really count too much. if i a able to do, i will try to do, and achieve the target. i will make sure the goal will be able to achieve.

somehow, i know i am quite lazy.. .... hehe.. not all things done with my plans...
so, this round, together with pris, melinda, seok binn and cheng, we able to come out with commitment, what we want to do. which is good! at least, we will able to focused on the direction on what can be done!

Journey with CPPD'09 is not an easy task, always hear Pris say this when she is talk about previous CPPD... hai~ but i think this is really a good start and enjoy moment for myself, at least gain some experience with new training and development in myself.

wishing we will able make ontime :)

everybody, keep ur hardwork....
and x10, keep ur hardwork too.....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

23.09.09: 1st online group supervision

it's bring me to another level to think of
the preliminary screening process

it's something i had not been take into count, and i admit is a weaknesses that need to be improve. this is very significant problem there, but how can i intervene into that level of their "family business"?? i guess, what i can do is trying to invite them for a workshop, for the "family members" in the HOME to know and understand about what is "counselling" and "group -work" it is truely are.

it is beyond me to do any intervention on the management part, but i am really concern of the small boys and girls who stayed inside the HOME. just as pris and others' ALS members concern about.... ....

Friday, September 18, 2009

sharing my Group Work plan

yes, finally i had shared my group work plan with my ALS memebrs, and also with Alex
i am not sure whether they understand of my writing, because i am kind of lazy to translate my work from Bahasa to English again...
it's kill my time.

for the work with children from the HOME, i felt a bit sorry, as the children is in difficult situation. After i talk with my superior, she is thinking to teach the management level, the staff at The Home some basic counselling skill, and also the counselling concept.

there is a needs for the clarification.
i will see how can worked it out

in the google doc, i also try to outline the other issues, which i think is quite popular,
the stress and the depression in adolescent. it's a issues that we need to take into consideration as growing up, trnasition in life is difficult.

these few days , i received many cases about the relationship, family conflict, husband-wife affairs, issues with children, relationship on intimacy, sexual intercourse underage.... the challenge seems like coming at the same time.

sometimes, i felt a bit "nervous" to receive them, as i know i habe fear, and doubt of whether i can HELP the client. but based on the principle, and ethics i hold, if i felt i can't handle, i will try to refer them to counsellor i felt maybe able to help them.

hopefully, cheng and pris will get well soon, and we can on discussion to decide what group we need to run for...
phaik nee, melinda and seok binn not yet decide the topic, they decide to postpone the discussion untill 21.9.09.

hmm.... will do some reading again......

Thursday, September 10, 2009

090909: 1st online discussion

yeah... yesterday 7.30pm till 11.30 pm, i was on SKYPE, discusssion about what kind of group that we want to run? deep down inside my heart, i know, for the ALS members, we need to be clear about the purpose of the group, as the purpose will be the most imortant group leadership concept to be learned.

Purpose refers to WHY the group is meeting and what the goals and objective are. when we fully understand the purpose of the group, it is easier for us, the ALS members to decide such things as group size, membership, sesion length, and number of sessions. i think it is very important as purpose will serve the map for group leader (the ALS members) who run the project.

from this purpose, we will able to get in to answer Alex questions (well, this is my thought )

- your chosen target group, the aims and objectives of such an initiative, its intended outcomes and a detailed plan of how your group intend to implement such an initiative.

- The plan will contain your groups rationale in making a case for the chosen target group,
your resource requirement in terms of venue, equipment, materials etc,

*the criteria of group membership selection, the size, gender mix, age range of the group membership,

your decision on whether it will be a ‘closed’ or ‘open’ group, the number of sessions,

marketing strategy of who, where and how you will be recruiting for the groupwork project,

the duration of each session,

roles of co-facilitators, the consent forms,

what assessment methods or tools will be employed and how will you be assessing and evaluating the individuals,

the group as a whole and the creative medium employed, all the sessions planned (use the documentation framework provided) to include session aims, session objectives, planned activities for Warm-up, Main Development and Closure, highlighting the intended objectives it will meet in each chosen activity that is planned, the group ‘ground rules’ that will be negotiated that will potentially facilitate and enhance the group development and group process.

we start to brainstorming all the possibility/relevant group
- Juvenile deliquency group/bahavioral problem/beyond control
- Relationship problem/ Love affairs/ Frienship-interpersonal skill - social skill
- poor mental health/on medication psychiatric drugs~ Depression/stress/anger
- Psychological/worried/loneliness
- under-age pregnancy support group/
- Sexuality/ sexual education/ Sexual harrassment
- rape client - trauma
- substance abuse/ alcohol, drugs, internet addiction ...etc
- academic/motivation/
- single parents family youth/ divource
- adolescent in HOME
- HIV/AIDS support group
- Special needs group?? or,
- Parenting group???

haha.. the ALS members still on way to think/figure out, what's the group was. This is tough, as many of us not really work in group. for myself, sometimes i will run activities for youth on camp basis, and currently there is a HOME sending their children to me. The reason they send the children to my organization is because the management level think that the children is having problem. To me i am in a bit difficult situation, as my management level agree to receive their refferal, so, i just seeing 3 chidlren in small group. the HOME are planning to send another group of children to me again, which is 11 and 12 years old. this is really make me confuse. but i just tell the HOME, it's fine with me for another group.

NOW, i think, its time for me to think of the redundant issues, as i know there is a ladies running a program, play group for these young children? are they in same place or they are in different group? thinking of the code of ethics, this is not right for the children to be in 2 groups. though the way we r handling is different, our intention is expression of the children emotions, for better development; but yet, there is some limitation i need to solve....

will talk again with the HOME and my management as well...

this is 1st time encounter with such a "unexpected"... ...

any way, our ALS members had come out with some ideas... will meet again 17.9.2009 , and the time wait to be decide

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mission: Operation Young Ones

hmm.. after a while, finally received the mission from our co-ordinator... deep in side my heart, know this round, the ALS members will need to work together as team, to achieve it. hope it will be in time.

Mission Code Name: Operation Young Ones

The scenario
You are group of Creative Arts Therapy Groupworkers that has been invited by the Department of Social, Family and Welfare Services to submit a proposal for project utlising creative arts therapeutic groups that will address the emotional, social and psychological needs of adolescents confronted by the challenges of modern society. The department recognises that there are potentially a number of vulnerable youths in various sections of the society that could benefit from what you could offer in providing them with the opportunity of developing their personal resources in managing such demands and complexities. The state will award a sum of monies to successful bids to spearhead such initiatives as part of its national mental health campaign for young adults.

Your proposal will contain an outline of your chosen target group, the aims and objectives of such an initiative, its intended outcomes and a detailed plan of how your group intend to implement such an initiative. The plan will contain your groups rationale in making a case for the chosen target group, your resource requirement in terms of venue, equipment, materials etc, the criteria of group membership selection, the size, gender mix, age range of the group membership, your decision on whether it will be a ‘closed’ or ‘open’ group, the number of sessions, marketing strategy of who, where and how you will be recruiting for the groupwork project, the duration of each session, roles of co-facilitators, the consent forms, what assessment methods or tools will be employed and how will you be assessing and evaluating the individuals, the group as a whole and the creative medium employed, all the sessions planned (use the documentation framework provided) to include session aims, session objectives, planned activities for Warm-up, Main Development and Closure, highlighting the intended objectives it will meet in each chosen activity that is planned, the group ‘ground rules’ that will be negotiated that will potentially facilitate and enhance the group development and group process.

You will deem to have accomplished your mission when your group has
Produce a proposal with a detailed plan of how you intend to deliver your creative groupwork to the chosen target group of adolescents. You are invited to submit your proposal using a mix media presentation of your choice to the chair of the panel. There will be Q & A session after the presentation to assess its coherency and viability. Some areas for the detailed plan need to provide evidence in relation to the possible areas below

  • Is the rationale for the decisions as to the chosen target group well articulated?
  • Is the decision for the size, mix, duration, etc supported by well-reasoned arguments?
  • Are the aims, objectives realistic for the duration planned and specific enough to be able to observe or measure meaningfully?
  • Does the session aims take into account of the group development needs?
  • Are the warm-up, main development and closure activities related to the aims it hoped to achieve and is there a progressive and relevant link between the three developmental phases of warm-up, main activity and closure within the session itself?
  • Are provisions made to possible cultural, social, developmental, emotional and cognitive uniqueness specific to the group and its participants?
  • A flyer or leaflet for the group with details of what it is, and its associated information.

The deadline for this mission is 14th October 2009.
Good luck!

PS: Document your process, the learning gained through self-reflections in your blogs as you undertake this mission.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

2.9.09: 1st online tutorial TUOG

again, we start a new journey here, with Tan Sri datuk Alex Chew ^.^
yeah, it is so fast that we received the mission impossible from Alex himself
before this, i was running a group for youth (all chinese, aged between 16-20), with referal, and some of them was bound with court order.
currently, there are some children being refered by a home, what i am not satisfy is, they refer the children just like that. what i can do is just received, accept, and see how is the children. as this is formal request.... .....

so, currently i am doing a small group with 3 of the children from this particular children home
is on 8 session (2 months) meeting weekly. and i am using the growth group method of condut, is a semi structure session (talk + activity), after each activity, will have a sharing and learning, more on psychoeducation setting

when alex asked, what is my group criteria? i guess, he is asking about the demographic factor, the selection process.... and he is interested to know my planning. will make some time to draw the outline and post it online

for myself, i just finished a group work, 3 days 2 night. it's really challenging, and i do learn a lot. and, i found that working with mixed group and solo group (only chinese) really make a lot of different! when the online tutorial on, i asked pris, how does she feel with this "deng Lan" group?

well, i was just thinking, how can i integrate what i have learned at CPPD to apply in this small group that i am runing?How can SWP and Therapeutic story be incorporated through the activities planned for the group. i found that story is really a good method to grasp the attention of children. creating my own story, or start to collect the story will be my job then, and with the story telling, it is really easy to convey my message for the client i worked with.
must get myself more competence in order to tell a story

this round
the mission is about to set up a proposal, with justification, rational and the planning activity, what make ALS members choose the particular activity and so on... need to submit 14 Oct 2009. it's going to be fast.

alex also want us to come out with 3 examples, or difficulties when running with the group.
ya... i need to start my work again...
got to find a day to close up my story, and my show...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Running Program for youth

Running program for youth, this is not an easy task,
but i manage to get "unicorn" and a strong team to back me up

this is going to be fun!
will do a llot of group work with the children
this round, all the children from chinese ethicnity, then, all share similar problem...
would like to see how they can go...
can they "awaken" their black dragon in the deep lake?
can they transform the black dragon to goldren dragon??
i donno..

i just hope that they don't look back, learn from mistake, do not repeat again, and look forward!
life is so precious, they can go further...

Monday, July 13, 2009

group work/Group development

alex asked me to do some reflection on the group with ALS members
well..a bit lazy to write...

what is group? what is the stages of group?what is mean by group dynamic? and What is the group proces and therapeutic forces?

Group Process/Group Dynamics
Group process refers to the interaction and energy exchange between members and leaders, how the leader reacts to the members, and how the members talk to each other and the leader.
Group process and group dynamics also refer to the attitudes and interaction of group members and leaders, understanding of the behaviour of people in groups, such as task groups, that are trying to solve a problem or make a decision.

Therapeutic forces are the factors that influence the group dynamics.

Stages of group
all the group go through three stages: the beginning stage, the middle or working stage, and the ending/closing stage.

1. The Beginning stage
The time period used for introduction and for discussion of such topics, as the purpose of the group, what may happen, fears, group rules, comfort levels, and the content of the group.
In this stage, members are checking out other members and their won level of comfort with sharing in the group.

2. The Working Stage/Middle
The Middle or Working Stage is the stage of the group when the members focus on the purpose. In this stage, the members learn new material, thoroughly discuss varios topics, complete tasks, or engage in personal sharing and therapeutic work. This stage is core of the group process; it is the period when members benefit from being in a group. During this stage,many different dynamics can occur because the members are interacting in several different ways.

3. The closing stage
The closing or ending stage is devoted to terminating the group. during this period, members share what they have learned, how they have changed, and how they plan to use what they have learned. members also say goodbye and deal with the ending of the group. For some groups, the ending will be an emotional experience, while for others the closing will simply mean that the group has done what it was supposed to do.

Additional stage: Storming stage
storming stage occurs when there is tension in the group, because of the nature of the group, the members' attitudes, and/ or the ability of the leader. Gladding (1995) describes this stage in the following manner: "storming is a time of conflict and anxiety.... Group members and leaders struggle with issues related to structure, direction, control, catharsis, and interpersonal relationships"

Group Development
Tuckman's Stages model
Bruce Tuckman reviewed about fifty studies of group development (including Bales' model) in the mid-sixties and synthesized their commonalities in one of the most frequently cited models of group development (Tuckman, 1965). The model describes four linear stages (forming, storming, norming, and performing) that a group will go through in its unitary sequence of decision making. A fifth stage (adjourning) was added in 1977 when a new set of studies were reviewed (Tuckman & Jensen, 1977).

(i) Forming:
Group members learn about each other and the task at hand. Indicators of this stage might include: Unclear objectives, Uninvolvement, Uncommitted members, Confusion, Low morale, Hidden feelings, Poor listening, etc.

(ii) Storming:
As group members continue to work, they will engage each other in arguments about the structure of the group which often are significantly emotional and illustrate a struggle for status in the group. These activities mark the storming phase: Lack of cohesion, Subjectivity, Hidden agendas, Conflicts, Confrontation, Volatility, Resentment, anger, Inconsistency, Failure.

(iii) Norming:
Group members establish implicit or explicit rules about how they will achieve their goal. They address the types of communication that will or will not help with the task. Indicators include: Questioning performance, Reviewing/clarify objective, Changing/confirming roles, Opening risky issues, Assertiveness, Listening, Testing new ground, Identifying strengths and weaknesses.

(iv) Performing:
Groups reach a conclusion and implement the solution to their issue. Indicators include: Creativity, Initiative, Flexibility, Open relationships, Pride, Concern for people, Learning, Confidence, High morale, Success, etc.

(v) Adjourning:
As the group project ends, the group disbands in the adjournment phase. This phase was added when Tuckman and Jensen's updated their original review of the literature in 1977.

Each of the four stages in the
Forming-storming-norming-performing-adjourning model proposed by Tuckman involves two aspects: interpersonal relationships and task behaviors. Such a distinction is similar to Bales' (1950) equilibrium model which states that a group continuously divides its attention between instrumental (task-related) needs and expressive (socioemotional).

As Gersick (1988) has pointed out, some later models followed similar sequential patterns. Examples include: define the situation, develop new skills, develop appropriate roles, carry out the work (Hare, 1976); orientation, dissatisfaction, resolution, production, termination (LaCoursiere, 1980); and generate plans, ideas, and goals; choose&agree on alternatives, goals, and policies; resolve conflicts and develop norms; perform action tasks and maintain cohesion (McGrath, 1984).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

recall memory: group counselling

thrapeutic use of the group is same with group counselling?
i recall back my memory on the group counselling as the beginner i will asked myself
the teory i learn from my lecturer, and from the Jacobs& Masson is just a guide, but, i think if i am not applying, this skills will eventually lost one day...
  • what are the advanteges of leading a group?
  • what kinds of groups are there?
  • How to start a group? do i need to prepare the informed consent letter?
  • What types of groups i want to run? do i need to do screening? if yes, how am i going to do...
  • what happens in groups?
  • what do i prepare for my group?
  • what do i do if no body talks?
  • what should i do of someone talks too much? or attack th other members
  • What leadership style should i use?

after i attending the workshop, on 5.7.09
i found that, actually the concept still remain the same, just the intervention part be more fun, using a lot of expression, and body movement...

the element of creativity and arts, i seldom do for my group.
i used to run growth group and stress management group for staff with structure activity, and only be doing for 6 session,

besides, as my experience to do the support group is with dialysis patient. This experience is precious, and really make me think of taking care of my kidney. All the experience of group, is likely to be related with my internship attached under Hospital Serdang, and this is 2 years back now... hahaha

Just like Alex mentioned in workshop, some people start a group because specific requirement, and academic needs for graduate. Hai~~ i am one of it who used to do this ....

poor me...

learning in this workshop, i think will better enhancement on my own group skill

i know, this is not easy, as role playing with children really make me feel anxiety. dealing with adult, not make me scared that much.... maybe i am afraid of not knowing how to communicate or working with children (especially the special needs)

on 4th July 2009, i am giving a talk on child development psychology (Basic psychology for middle and late childhood 7-12 years olad), what i get from the participants' feedback is they would like to know more about the solution how to deal with special needs children. All the participants from teaching club. (tuisyen class)
the demands can't be fulfill, as i only have two hours with them, so, what i am trying to say is, i know, it is how hard to deal with special needs children.

12th July will go for Min See training on play. hope to make myself understand more abou the play with children, and apply in groups.

What is Group?

What is a Group?
Gladding (1996) says "groups are an economical and effective means of helping individuals who sahre similar problems and concerns. Counselors who limit their competencies to individual counselling skills limit their options for helping"
  • A group is :
    “two or more people who share a common definition and evaluation of themselves and behave in accordance with such a definition” (Vaughan & Hogg, 2002, p. 200)
  • a collection of people who interact with one another, accept rights and obligations as members and who share a common identity.
  • A group is two or more people who have come together for the purpose of same designated interaction (Gladding 1996)

Educators have classified groups differently. The Association for specialists in Group Work (ASGW), which is a naitional division of the American Counselling Association (ACA), sets forth training standards for four kinds of group:
(1) Guidance/Psychoeducational
(2) Counselling/Interpersonal Problem Solving,
(3) Psychotherapy/personality reconstuction, and
(4) Task/Work Groups

however, there is few practitioner had also set the group in varios kind of categories, that is (1) Education, (2) Discussion), (3) Task, (4)Growth and experiential, (5) Counselling and Therapy, (6) Support, (7) self help.

Criteria for a group include:
- formal social structure
- face-to-face interaction
- 2 or more persons
- common fate
- common goals
- interdependence
- self-definition as group members
- recognition by others
- Societies can be seen as large groups consisting of a myriad of sub-groups.

Reasons for leading groups:

Groups are more efficient and offer more resources or viewpoints. Groups approach include the feelings of commonality, the opportunity for feedback, the opportunity for vicarious learning by listening and observing others, the approximation to real -life encounters, and the pressure to uphold commitments

Monday, July 6, 2009

Role Playing as SpeechDelay Kids

i am having fun on this. really...
though i am not sure what and how the speech delays kids alike
Wow, Alex is really amazing, he can act and be like what the role it is...

this groupis designed for children who aged 7 - 9 years old , and they were having language difficulty, most of them could only speak single word.

The planning of the group:
Session No: 5/10 Date : 5 July 2009Duration : 30 - 45 minutes
Main aims of session: social development ,cognitive development and language development

Session Plan: Warming up, main development and closure

First and foremost, tje facilitator was trying to used the "sounds" to help the children warming up. they were asked to hold hands together in circle. they moved in circle and making the movement of wind and thunderstorms. (i felt the thunderstorms is a bit scary...)
(when i was doing this, i also try to pretend that my hand was hurt, and cannot follow the activities. the facilitator was aware, and trying to not forcing me, but as speech delay kids, i am thinking, how would they expressed their pain/ hurt if there is....)

after that, the facilitator gave the colours cloth to the children and asked them to spells out the single word. in this rainbow colour activity, facilitator passed the colour cloth to each children and has them to repeat the colour mentioned by the facilitator; for instance, the facilitator will said" Red"..... then the children will follow the pronounciation "Red", Orange....Orange...and any object that was related to this colour.

In this point, i think it's really enjoying; just there is a children cannot say and cannot expressed at all, when came to Yellow colour, there is a children spell "nana.. nana"; actually the children is trying to say "BANANA"
i am trying to follow what has instructed by the facilitator and i felt that iam enjoying, and is really more relaxing.

when came to closure part, the children was greeting on their active participant and safe journey home.

o... dealing with special groups definitely not my expertise. BUT, in my worked place, it's became a demand when there is parents walked in and asked for help on their special child. guess, i can be a information provider for their concern, if i am having the basic knowledge how to deal with the special children.

there is great compassion for the children who needs patient

Role Playing as BullDog

As the role of bulldog, it is not fun at all

i am not sure whether i am suitable for this character or vice versa. the group picked me up as th Bull Dog, and just asked me to role play it.

firstly, they set up the scenario ans using the story to talk about the dog that like to bully. and i felt weird, actually for a moment, i donno what to do, and how should i react.

i am so helpless....
when the story came to the part that the animals decided to give a lessons for the BullDOg, for not saying sorry
actually the "bulldog" can't say the story. this is so hard to say sorry, and the animals are supressing the BUll dog to say the word "SORRY"

if the bull dog willing to say sorry, but also not in the first attempt that is aware about own mistake, and do not want to bully anymore, but being requested to do so.

it's make me think of difficult client, who is strong defence mechanism and not willing to put down the ego.

in this roleplay, the facilitator did not really take the opportunity to transform the crisis to others. but i think the bULL Dog will appreciate the facilitator ,JO who is standing behind, trying to allw the personal space...

still have a lot thing s to learn.

Therapeutic Use of the Group Workshop 5.7.2009

yeah... this is first time i am doing refreshing course on Group.

i am not doing group counselling in my workplace for a while.

before this, i was alway work with task group or educational group in my previous workplace.

i conduct Peer Helping Program (PHP) and Peer mentoring Program (PMP)

sometimes, i do run soem small workshop on learning, stress management and also issues related with Mental Health.

Over here, in my workplace, currently i am doing programme, mostly is considere as psychoeducational group for parents, for youth. we set up a camp, and we do some outdoor and indoor activities and in small group, we are doing the task. it's like character building and create awareness towards self for not repeat again the risky behaviour.

before this, i am able to run a support group counselling for single mother in Rumah Perlindungan Sosial. the Home is specially for those single mother who is pregnanct accidentally (etc : rape, sexual relationship, or died of husband), and they want to deliver the babies untill they are able to survive.

yet, due to some problems , and workload at my own office, my upper management level not allowing me to attend to their place, but if there is any cases the home would like to refer, they are welcome to refer.

So, working with children with special needs, i think it;s really not an easy task.

the role playing

as children is really out of book

i really donno how to react. compare with child trauma group, i think handling the special needs groups is really traumatize for me. all this while, i am working with normal and elder group. YES, i do have chances to work with children,but the children also normal kids.

like, the children being abuse, the children neg;ected, the children who's parents divource and fight for the custody, etc..

i find out that, in my work place, the setting the nature of my work have the high posibilities workign with the special needs children.

people always come forward to Department of Social Welfare seek for help, seek for information, seek for guide...

if i am not equoped myself with basic knowledge, how am i going to help those who step into my room? at least, i can refer them to the right place....

it's really a good start to have refreshing, on Group counselling

and, i learn not to be restrict my self in a work group, or therapeutic group, as creative is not a barrier to move forward.

i know, i have anxiety that come after, but preparation, planning will alway there as guideline for me, to go through this.

and, u know what, i think i should gain more knowledge in dealing with special needs group.